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“Sustainable Energy: Meet the Mind who Can Guide You”

Sherine Ibrahim - power systems engineer, energy project manager and blogger on sustainable energy solutions.

“The Blog’s Guiding Light: A Mission for a Sustainable Future”

Sherine Ibrahim is the dynamic force behind the enlightening articles on EcoPowerHub blog. With a profound background in the sustainable energy sector, he passionately advocates for sustainable and innovative energy solutions. Moreover, he brings rich experience in managing large-scale energy projects and leading cross-functional teams. He keenly aims to foster collaboration, advocating for energy policy reforms, and enhancing the efficiency of national grids.

Furthermore, his dedication to sharing knowledge and building capacity within the energy sector will drive impactful and sustainable outcomes. His expertise in electrical power systems has evolved into a major source of knowledge that he is eager to share. His goal is to inspire the blog’s readers and establish a vibrant educational platform for energy-related discussions.

“Three Decades of Impact: A Journey in Power Systems and Sustainable Energy”

Sherine has over thirty years of experience in global power systems. He began his career as a power plant maintenance engineer at Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Department in 1987. He then moved in 1999 to Abu Dhabi power transmission utility (TRANSCO) until 2009, where he managed a T&D projects portfolio valued at US$1.2 billion. A highlight of his tenure was the successful completion of Emirates National Grid (ENG) project, which has achieved the interconnection of UAE national grid with neighbouring Gulf states. This achievement has led to the formation of the regional GCC Interconnection Authority (GCCIA).

Between 2011 and 2014, Sherine worked at GE Digital Energy managing a portfolio of T&D upgrade projects of PG&E utility in the USA. Subsequently, he joined the Bangladesh resident mission of Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2015, where he has managed the country energy portfolio worth of US$3.1 billion (as of June 2019). At his last role in ADB, he joined the Independent Evaluation Department, where he contributed to the assessment of energy sector performance across Asia and the Pacific. His assessment was critical to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of completed energy projects in the region.

“Shaping Energy Policy: An Impact on Sustainability Initiatives”

Sherine has co-led the sector-wide evaluation of ADB’s 2009 energy policy and its ten-year program (2009-2019). The evaluation has led to the creation of a new ADB energy policy published in 2021. The new energy policy marked ADB’s firm stand against the financing of any future coal-related energy projects in Asia and the Pacific.

In 2024, Sherine joined the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) as a Sustainable Energy Specialist. In his current role, he became instrumental in spearheading the bank’s ambitious initiatives that aim to enhance sustainable energy practices across the Caribbean. His expertise is pivotal in developing strategies that promote renewable energy adoption across the region. Besides, his knowledge supports the CDB’s broader goals of sustainable development and climate resilience. He currently promotes the CDB’s new project of

“Beyond the Desk: An Enthusiastic Pursuit of Arts, Advocacy, and Global Change”

Sherine possesses a strong passion for language learning and cultural immersion. Additionally, he is actively involved in a variety of social and cultural initiatives. They notably reflect his broad interests in the arts, culture, science, and technology. This participation demonstrates a well-rounded engagement with both creative and analytical fields and displays his versatile interests to comprehensive personal and professional development.

Notably, he exhibits a particular zeal for economic empowerment and educational advocacy, where he champions programs that promote the development of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, his commitment extends to environmental preservation and health, advocating for the protection of natural resources and the enhancement of public health.

“Revolutionizing Power: The Future of Sustainable Energy”

As we move towards a greener future, sustainable energy leads the way in environmental innovation. It offers hope for a more resilient planet. Sustainable energy provides endless clean power, reducing our carbon footprint. This shift helps fight climate change and promotes energy independence and economic growth. With faster technology development and more investment in green infrastructure, sustainable energy will change how we produce and use power.

The Blog…

At EcoPowerHub blog, we explore the transformative potential of renewable energy resources in building a sustainable world for ourselves and new generations. We are committed to deepening our discussions on current renewable energy trends to keep our readers at the forefront of the sustainable energy curve. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce interactive content soon enhancing reader engagement and providing firsthand insights into the future of energy.

Please explore our blog page for a variety of posts covering topics of interest and visit our social media feeds having input from prominent energy-related websites. Don’t miss any of our innovative insights and discussions.

Have you any thoughts or questions? Leave a comment on our articles to spread the word about sustainable practices. Thank you for joining us on this journey and I look forward to sharing ideas and experiences together! Together, let’s power a brighter and greener future!

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